Czernowitz (1883).

Hotels. Adler, Ring-Platz; Kronprinz von Esterreich, Goldnes Lamm, both in the Siebenburgergasse; Hotel Weiss, high charges; Hotel de Moldavie, Lembergergasse. - Hotel de Paris, at the corner of the Lembergergasse and Ring-Platz; Goldne Birne, Siebenburgergasse, these two of the third class.

Restaurants. At the three first-named hotels; Maier, next door to the Adler; in the Musikvereinsqebäude. Mehl-Platz; wine-rooms of Stefanowitz, Tabakac, and Paczenski, in the Ring-Platz (good Moldavian wine and cold viands). - Cafes. Wilckens, Herrngasse; C. Wien, Lembergergasse; Aufmesser, Herrngasse; Bass (also restaurant), Zakrewski, Siebenburgergasse; Cafe du Theatre, by the Hotel de Moldavie; Tesarz (confectioner), Ring-Platz.

Baths. Warm and vapour baths at the Sophienbad, Russische Gasse, and at the Turkenbad, by the Türkenbrunnen. The Town Baths in the Volksgarten are open in summer only. River Baths in the Pruth, by the bridge.

Czernowitz, the capital of the Bukowina, is situated on a rising ground on the right bank of the Pruth, which is here crossed by two bridges. Including the extensive suburbs the town contains 45,000 inhab., of whom 12-14,000 are Jews. It is the seat of the governor of the Bukowina, of all Oriental Greek archbishop and consistory, of the provincial courts, and of a university (see below).

The most conspicuous building in the town, which is entirely of modern origin, is the Archiepiscopal Palace, all imposing brick edifice in the Byzantine style, erected by Hlawka in 1864-75 and situated on all eminence at the end of the Bischofsgasse. The magnificently-decorated Reception Hall is worthy of a visit (apply to the castellan); the tower commands a fine view of the town and environs.

The largest church in Czernowitz is the Oriental Greek Cathedral in the Franz-Joseph-Platz, erected in 1864 in imitation of the church of St. Isaac at St. Petersburg. The elegant Armenian Church, in a mixed Gothic and Renaissance stile, was consecrated in 1875. The Roman Catholic Parish Church, the Greek Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, and the new Oriental Greek Parasceva Church are uninteresting. The Jewish Temple, a handsome edifice in the Moorish style, was completed in 1877 from the plans of Zachariewicz; the interior is adorned with rich but chaste elegance.

The University, founded in 1875, is attended by about 250 students. The lectures are delivered partly in the Padagogium in the Bischofsgasse, and partly in the clergy-house adjoining the palace; the latter also contains the natural history and other academical collections.

The Austria Monument in the Austria-Platz was executed by Pekary and erected in 1875 to commemorate the centenary of Austria's possession of the country; it consists of a colossal marble figure of Austria on a pedestal of green Carpathian sandstone, adorned with bronze reliefs and inscriptions.-The new Theatre, in the Schulgasse, is tastefully fitted up (shut in summer).

At the S. end of the town lies the Volksgarten (with a railwaystation), a favourite resort with shady walks, containing the Schützenhaus (Restaurant), the Public Baths, and the Botanical Garden (to the S.W.). Pleasant walks may be taken to the Banaid Grove on the Bischofsberg, which affords a good view of the town, and to the (2l/4 M.) wood of Horecza, near the interesting old church of which a fine survey of the valley of the Pruth is enjoyed.

From: K.Baedeker, Southern Germany and Austria, handbook for travellers. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1883
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