Part I: Galicia and Lemberg/ Lwów/ Lviv Introduction 1. From 1772 to 1867: The Phase of Germanization 2. From the Ausgleich to the Outbreak of World War I 3. Poland in the Interwar Period Part II: Bukovina and Czernowitz/ Cernauti/ Czernowtsy/ Chernivtsi Introduction 1. The Special Status 2. Between German and Jewish Identity or Nationality — the Problematic German-Jewish Symbiosis 3. A Final Hegemonial Attempt to Construct a German-Jewish Symbiosis — the Bukovina Settlement 4. Belonging and Exclusion — The Imaginary West in the East 5. The Search for Secular Elements of Identity — Language 6. Outlook III. Epilogue IV. Literature © 1996 A. Lichtblau & M.John, Jewries in Galicia and Bukovina, in Lemberg and Czernowitz |